RTI International, the nation’s second largest independent nonprofit research organization, offers innovative research and technical services to governments and business worldwide in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, education and training, surveys and statistics, advanced technology, governance, economic and social development, energy and the environment. RTI has more than 2,500 staff members worldwide with 2006 revenues in excess of $550 million.

Palmer D’Angelo Consulting, Inc. (PDCI) is widely recognized as a leading market access consultancy providing Canadian and global pricing and reimbursement expertise to the pharmaceutical industry. This addition adds depth to RTI Health Solutions’ expertise to help pharmaceutical companies develop pricing and reimbursement strategies and to gain formulary access for their drugs.


“Ventura Group played a leadership role in a transaction that is key to our growth strategy while continually helping us to enhance our corporate development process.”
– James J. Gibson, Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer, RTI International

PDCI President Neil Palmer commented to Ventura Group, “…you have been instrumental in bringing this deal home.”